
There is an example app in Django Public Admin repository, inside the example/ directory. This example is meant to be a straightforward use case, having Django’s native admin running in parallel with Django Public Admin.


  • Git
  • Python 3.6 or newer with Poetry (or other PEP 517 pyproject.toml compatible tool)

Running the example

First, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/cuducos/django-public-admin.git
poetry install

Then start the application:

poetry run python example/manage.py runexample

The runexample command is a wrapper around Django’s native runserver. It creates a temporary SQLite database, run migrations, creates a superuser, and collects static files automagically before spinning up the development server. If you are having trouble with this command, you can try to delete all these temporary files with poetry run python manage.py cleanexample.

Once the application is up and running, you can:

You can add and edit data at admin/, while non-logged-in users can browse data at dashboard/ with all the filters and perks of a Django Admin instance!